Basic Emergency Medical Coverage
Basic Emergency Medical Coverage applies to Annual Multi-Trip Plans (8 Day, 16 Day, 32 Day and 62 Day options).
Deductible Choices (Optional)
The policy has a US$50 deductible per claim. You have the option to change your deductible to ZERO, US$250, US$500, US$1,000, US$2,000, US$2,500, US$5,000, or US$10,000.
Buy down your Pre-Existing Condition Clause (Optional)
The pre-existing condition stabilty period that you qualify for (either 90 days or 180 days) is based on the answers that you have provided to the Underwriting Questions on the A La Carte Option Worksheet. If you qualify for a pre-existing condition stability period of 180 days prior to any departure date, you have the option to "buy-down" the stability period for pre-existing condition coverage to 90 days. If you choose this option, the policy will cover eligible expenses for a medical condition that was stable in the 90 days prior to the departure date of any trip.
Also, if you had a replacement, elimination or an increase/decrease in dosage or frequency of a medication that does not treat a heart condition or a lung condition, and was prescribed more than 45 days prior to your departure date, you can reduce the stability period for the medical condition that the medication treats to 30 days prior to any departure date.
This insurance covers treatment required only as a result of a medical emergency and has other terms, conditons, limitations and exclusions which may affect your coverage. For a full description, click on the Policy Wording link at the top of this page to review the full policy. Please refer to Section 4 of the A La Carte Travel Insurance Policy for the exclusions.
Marketed by Travel Insurance Specialists
Snowbird medical insurance experts for over 25 years
Underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
We are a founding member of the Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada.
Certain provinces and territories are discussing the elimination of reimbursement from the Government Health Insurance Plan (GHIP) for Out-of-Canada claims. Ontario has already announced this change. Other provinces and territories will likely follow.
We would prefer not to raise rates to cover this extra claim cost, so we have done something fair and reasonable. This is called GHIP Replacement Cost.
If your province or territory does not offer reimbursement for any Out-of-Canada medical expenses at the time you have a claim under this policy and there are eligible medical expenses for a Hospital or Emergency Room (ER) visit, you will be required to pay US$260 for the GHIP Replacement Cost. This US$260 charge cannot be waived.
However, if you only have eligible medical expenses at a stand-alone clinic, dentist or doctor's office, the charge for the GHIP Replacement Cost will not apply.
The charge for the GHIP Replacement Cost is in addition to any deductible amount you have on this policy.
It is your responsibility to be aware of the Government of Canada travel advisories at www.travel.gc.ca prior to any departure from Canada and at all times while you are travelling outside of Canada. COVID-19 coverage is provided if the Government of Canada travel advisory is Level 1, 2, or 3. You must be fully COVID-19 vaccinated if you are travelling on a cruise ship outside of Canada. In the event that the travel advisory changes to 'Avoid all travel' (Level 4) while you are outside of Canada, you must return to Canada within 10 days of the advisory. If you do not return to Canada, your COVID-19 coverage will terminate on the 11th day and thereafter.